This is a no-cost community event for women only. The purpose of this event is to give women more tools to keep safe and strong. With all of the changes in the world today and many incidents on the rise, it seems there is no better time than now to have an introduction to the Tao Health & Fitness Women’s Self Defense Course, which we offer in a 5-Part Series of Workshops as well as weekly classes.
I hope that by spreading my experience in this field we can create a stronger, more confident, and safer environment for women to grow in and to keep those would-be attackers discouraged and at bay.
In this introductory class, we will begin with looking at these aspects:
Forming a Proper Fist and Strike
What Goes into a Strong Kick
Attacking Points
Effective Blocking
When to Run vs When to Fight
Staying Calm and Thinking Fast
Training to Be Ready
For those interested in continued training, we offer the Tao Health & Fitness Women’s Self Defense Course in a 5-Part Series of Workshops as well as Weekly Classes. Both are open to women only, with the same purpose. Get strongly skilled and stay safe!