Functional Movement Screening.
Who can benefit from taking a Functional Movement Screening? Who is it for?
From novice to advanced athlete, this is for you! We work with where you are to get you where you want to be in your fitness and health.
What is a Functional Movement Screening?
The Functional Movement Screening is a clean, clear, precise way to start balancing one’s body in which we look at seven different foundational movement patterns. It’s a very effective way to see if we are operating from a place of balance within our foundation or if we are compensating and finding other ways to work around a lack of this foundation. The good news is no one said that we can’t go back and rebuild that foundation. When we do this, we find a refined sense of balance with both increased ranges of motion and the strength to control it.
A beautiful thing about our screening process is that it provides instant feedback to both the coach and the client. This makes it easy for both coach and client to gauge your progress and for the coach to form a clear and precise plan of action to work together balancing out these movement patterns.
After your functional movement screening, we will go over the results of your screening with you right then and there. Based on your screening results, we will go over what training options are best suited to safely meet your goals in the most effective and timely way possible.
What we will be checking during the Functional Movement Screening:
Hip to Core Connection
Balance of Shoulder Mobility & Stability
Hip to Shoulder Communication
Full Body Stability
Single Leg Dynamic Balance & Support
Split Squat Strength & Control
Deep Squat Range of Motion & Posture
What’s next….?
After your initial screening, you’ll be ready to jump into level-appropriate classes based on your screening results. If you find you’ve aced the Functional Movement Screening, you’ll then want to set up a time to take the Athletic Capacity Screening.
If you already know what classes you’d like to participate in, you can go ahead and enroll in any Level 1 classes. Just make sure to also schedule your screening if you’re a first-time student or coming back after an extended break.